
MAAN was organized to gather together members ready, willing and able to serve as arbitrators of disputes arising in business involving all aspects of maritime, energy and related activities.

Maritime Arbitrators Association of Nigeria is registered under part C of the Companies and Allied Matters Act (with amongst other objectives) the aim to advance and encourage professional knowledge of maritime arbitration in Nigeria and to ensure the development of Nigeria as a resource for arbitration in dispute resolution. MAAN was conceived by practitioners that have attained distinction and expertise in arbitration and maritime law in Nigeria. Following its conception and incorporation in 2005 its executive council has acted as a steering body for the establishment of the associations’ ethos and structures. The council is committed to ensuring that MAAN maintains internationally accepted standards and best practices with local expertise. MAAN is borne out of the essential need to offer Nigeria as an alternative resource and venue following recent developments in the industry and the growing cost of arbitration in foreign countries and the pressure on the litigation system to deliver timely solutions.